Shop Safely

    • Never pay in advance to a seller that you do not know.
    • Even if the seller discloses his/her personal information or bank account number, this does not protect you from being cheated.
    • Always request for the original receipt of purchase from the seller, to verify that he/her is the rightful owner of the item; and to verify that the item is authentic.
    • Avoid sending goods or payment; instead, meet in person and do COD (Cash on Delivery).
    • Meet at a public place to deal.

Take extra caution when …

  • The offer sounds too good to be true.
  • The other party keeps pushing you to complete the deal.
  • The other party claims to be overseas or working offshore.
  • You are asked for your bank account or credit card number.
  • You are asked to pay large amounts of money without meeting the seller.
  • Buying branded items. It is always advisable to meet up with the seller and check the authenticity of the item at a certified shop.

When Sending Goods

Most fraud cases take place when the buyer and seller do not meet.

When you buy …

    • Never pay any money in advance, no matter how reliable the seller seems to be.
    • Fraudsters often provide proof of identity (IC, passport, driving license, etc.) as a “guarantee”. This does not protect you against fraud or being cheated!
    • Postage paid by seller or registered mail is not risk-free. You have no way to verify the content of the package.

When you sell …

    • It is always better to meet and deal via COD (Cash on Delivery).
    • Never send any goods without confirming that you have received full payment.
    • Avoid payment by cheque. It is not guaranteed that the cheque can be cashed.

Special warning – overseas payments

    • Some international payment solutions offer built-in security features, such as PayPal, but this is not common. Never use these payment services- such as Western Union, MoneyGram, or BidPay- because it may be very difficult to control/stop payment through these services. Such services are also popular with fraudsters for the same reasons.

Remember …

  • Never pay in advance.
  • Goods sent through mail can be risky.
  • Do not send money to a recipient in a foreign country.
  • Avoid using most international payment services.

Stolen Items

It is important to make sure that the goods you are buying are not stolen. Any victim is entitled to recover his/her stolen property even if you have purchased the goods “in good faith.” When in doubt:

    • Request for the original receipt of purchase to verify that he/she is the rightful owner of the item.
    • Check with the police to ensure that the item has not been reported stolen.
    • For branded items, please check that the serial number has not been manipulated.
    • If you suspect that an item is a stolen item, please contact us, and lodge a police report immediately.

Please help us by using the above advice to prevent criminals from selling stolen goods.

Remember …

  • Request for the original receipt of the purchase.
  • Check the serial number.
  • Request for proof of ownership for big purchases.

Branded Items 

Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether an item is real or fake. We require all sellers in selected categories to declare that the item they are selling is original, but some sellers may still attempt to sell fake branded products, even if this is prohibited on our website.

When you buy …

    • Ask for the original receipt to verify that the item is genuine/original.
    • If a receipt is missing, you can request to meet the seller at an authorized shop to verify the authenticity before you pay.
    • Please let us know immediately if you suspect that the item advertised is not genuine/original.

When you sell …

    • Only sell genuine/original goods.
    • If you wrongly certify that you are selling original items, you can be charged with committing fraud, and legal action can be taken against you by the police.

Remember …

  • Request original receipt.
  • Verify authenticity.
  • Fake or pirated goods are prohibited on

Sending Money or Goods Abroad

Beware of so called “Nigerian letters” and other attempts by individuals in foreign countries to send items out of Malaysia. If a buyer wants to have the goods sent abroad, we recommend that you ignore the request.

How will I know that I have received a “Nigerian letter”?

    • The letters are often written in poor English.
    • The letters use the expression “goods” or “the item” where they do not specifically refer to the item that you are selling. This is because they often use a standard letter.
    • The letters are usually sent from free e-mail addresses such as yahoo, gmail and hotmail.
    • Letters often entice you by offering a higher price for your item, than what you had specified in your ad.
    • The buyer wants to pay by cheque, or money transfers.
    • Sometimes the fraudster sends a fake payment confirmation which looks as if the money has been deposited into your account.

What can you do to protect yourself?

“Nigerian letters” are meant to trick you into sending money or goods to foreign countries. Please DO NOT entertain such letters and requests.

Remember …

  • Beware of e-mails requesting you to send goods abroad.
  • Do not accept payment by cheque.
  • Beware of false payment confirmations.

Transferring Money Online

When you make payments and money transfers online, you should be aware of “Phishing”. “Phishing” is when someone tries to trick you to obtain sensitive information such as passwords, bank account, or credit card numbers. It is often triggered by fake e-mails from Internet sites you know or trust, asking you to click on a link and fill in your personal data/information. The link will typically lead to a page that looks like that bank’s website, but is controlled by someone else. Such sites are used to cheat the public and obtain personal information.

To Protect Yourself

As a rule, never click on links in e-mails claiming to come from banks or other financial institutions. You should always surf directly to the bank’s or financial institution’s website instead of accessing your bank account from another website. Be suspicious of e-mails (or the page they link to) asking you to enter your password or other relevant information to your bank account. There have also been cases where computer viruses are used to intercept and collect sensitive information. Therefore, make sure that your computer has the latest updated virus protection software. Your operating system and internet browser should also be updated with the latest security updates.


E-mails and Phone calls

“Phishing” is when someone tries to trick you to obtain sensitive information such as passwords, bank account, or credit card numbers. It is often triggered by fake e-mails from Internet sites you know or trust, asking you to click on a link and fill in your personal data/information. The link will typically lead to a page that looks like that bank’s website, but is controlled by someone else. Such sites are used to cheat the public and obtain personal information.

To protect yourself from “Phishing”, never respond to requests from any “official” bank or any other phone calls/e-mails claiming to be an official authority. Instead, find the “official” contact details for that bank or authority, and contact them yourself to verify that the request actually came from them.

Please write to us at if you encounter any suspected “Phishing” incidents related to your account.

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